Transparent blue cassette tapes with obi strip and matching CDs in jewel cases
Produced for Copenhagen Crates and their 'The Hundred' release

CD jewel cases with white trays, tracing paper inserts and outer O-cards.
Produced for Premium Grey Market by Hello Meteor

Cassette tapes in clear frosted cases with obi strips and CD jewel cases with white trays, tracing paper inserts and outer O-cards
Produced for Premium Grey Market by Hello Meteor

Jewel cases with sixteen page booklets, double sided rear tray inlays with clear disc trays and matching discs
Produced for Cat Southall and her 'Call of distress' release

CDs in jewel cases with twelve page poster booklets and transparent orange disc trays
Produced for 'Halloween IV' by Billy Cobb on the Needlejuice label

Cassette tapes in clear frosted cases with obi strips and CD jewel cases with white trays, tracing paper inserts and outer O-cards.
Produced for Premium Grey Market by Hello Meteor

Full coverage on-cassette printing with a partial white base (for opaque areas) and CDs with partial on-body printing for OST
Produced for Needlejuice Records

Triple CD jewel case set with on-body printing directly on the jewel cases
Produced for BABii and her RGB/Beast/Snake triple release on the Supernature label

Jewel cases with 12 page booklets and a two colour silk screen print directly onto the silver disc surface

CD jewel case with front and rear on-case printing
Produced for Dompte-regard by Doline

A matching set of brown cassettes with full colour on-body print and CDs in custom burgundy jewel cases
Produced for Needlejuice Records and their Billy Cobb 'Billy Cobb' release

CDs with clear trays, double sided rear inlays and large 20 page booklets
Produced for Maskarade Languages

Coloured jewel cases with outer O-cards
Produced for Cutaway Comics and their Second Sight 'Omega' release

Jewel cases with four page booklets, cellophane wrapping and beautiful full colour silk screen printed discs
Produced for Warner Music and their 'Anything Goes' release

CD jewel cases with white trays, tracing paper inserts and outer O-cards.
Produced for Premium Grey Market by Hello Meteor

Replicated CDs in jewel cases with booklets and outer O-cards
Produced for Within Destruction and their 'Deathwish' album

CD jewel case with 8 page poster booklet
Produced for Hooli Hansen on the Gourmet Deluxxx label

Custom printed CD jewel case O-card with central cutout hole and glass mastered CDs
Produced for Slovenian aggressive band Within Destruction and their 'Yokai' album

CD jewel cases with glass mastered discs, 8 page poster booklets and jewel cases with obi strips
Produced for Rigz & Mooch and their "The Only Way Out" album released on GourmetDeluxxx

Jewel cases with eight page booklets, cellophane wrapping and beautiful silk screen printed discs in three Pantone colours
Produced for The Spitfire Sisters and their 'Put Your Phone Away' release

A matching set of cream cassettes with brown on-body print and CDs in jewel cases
Produced for Needlejuice Records and their Sand 'Ok Glass' release

CD booklet and 12cm disc in presentation frame
Produced for Alex and The Ark

Quad CD jewel case set for Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Heady Exxxplosions 2009-2012
Produced for Needlejuice Records

One disc of a pair of CDs where we also produced the artwork
Produced for Glen Leon

CD jewel cases with booklets and printed outer O-card slipcases
Produced for Hollow Prophet and their 'Hellhole' release

UV LED on-body printed CDs and cassette tapes
Produced for Fimbria and their 'Eternal Return' release

Jewel cases with booklets, double sided rear tray inlays and gloss laminated outer O-cards with glass mastered discs
Produced for Vista Musicale

CDs with clear disc trays and double sided rear inlays
Produced for The State of Georgia

CDs in jewel cases with offset litho printed discs
Produced for InMe

CD jewel cases with black disc trays and black base discs

Sky blue, Tanzania purple and blackberry purple tapes with full coverage on boy printing, plus matching CDs in jewel cases
For the 'Building a Better World' release on Hiraeth Records

Quad CD jewel case set for Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Heady Exxxplosions 2009-2012
Produced for Needlejuice Records

Zombies from Sector 9 film soundtrack in jewel cases with red data side CDs

Double disc CD jewel case with 4 page cover booklet
Produced for Professor Elemental

Jewel cases with insert, poster, full colour silk screen printed disc and finished with outer O-card
Produced for Gourmet Deluxxx and their Big Ghost Ltd 'Unofficial Official' release

Transparent blue cassette tapes with obi strip and matching CDs in jewel cases
Produced for Copenhagen Crates and their 'The Hundred' release

A matching set of cream cassettes with full colour on-body print and CDs in jewel cases
Produced for Needlejuice Records and their Billy Cobb 'The S.S. Krill' release

Cassette tape and CD jewel case box set in A5 presentation box with a black foil lid print
Produced for M.A.V & Rob Gates 'The Dark Side of Nature' release on the GourmetDeluxxx label

Jewel cases with insert, poster, full colour silk screen printed disc and finished with outer O-card
Produced for Gourmet Deluxxx and their Big Ghost Ltd 'Unofficial Official' release

CDs in jewel cases with twelve page poster booklets and transparent orange disc trays
Produced for 'Halloween IV' by Billy Cobb on the Needlejuice label

Black A5 box sets with a gold foil lid print and mirror gold cassettes and transparent edge CDs in cases within
Produced for the 'No One Mourns The Wicked' release by Conway The Machine on the Gourmet Deluxxx label

CD jewel case with 8 page poster booklet
Produced for Hooli Hansen on the Gourmet Deluxxx label

Transparent blue cassette tapes with obi strip and matching CDs in jewel cases
Produced for Copenhagen Crates and their 'The Hundred' release

Jewel cases with insert, poster, full colour silk screen printed disc and finished with outer O-card
Produced for Gourmet Deluxxx and their Big Ghost Ltd 'Unofficial Official' release

Jewel cases with poster insert and screen printed disc
Produced for Wiki and Subjxct 5 and their 'Cold Cuts' collaborative mixtape release

Quad CD jewel case set for Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Heady Exxxplosions 2009-2012
Produced for Needlejuice Records

Transparent blue cassette tapes and matching CDs in jewel cases
Produced for the 'Electric Heart' release by Roxi Drive

Quad CD jewel case set for Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Heady Exxxplosions 2009-2012
Produced for Needlejuice Records

Custom printed CD jewel case O-card with central cutout hole and cassette tapes with on-body printing
Produced for Slovenian aggressive band Within Destruction and their 'Yokai' album

Coloured jewel cases with outer O-cards
Produced for Cutaway Comics and their Second Sight 'Omega' release

CD jewel cases with black disc trays and black base discs

Gold vinyl CDs with gold guitar picks in CD jewel cases
Produced for Dishy Tangent and their 'Timeless Music' release

Partial coverage print glass mastered CDs for OST
Produced for Needlejuice Records

Outer O-cards
Produced for Mortification and their Scrolls of the Megilloth '30th Anniversary Edition' release

Blue cassette cases and CD jewel cases with full colour on-body printing on the cases
Produced for 'The Ghost of Albizu' release on the Gourmet Deluxxx label

CD jewel case with front and rear on-case printing
Produced for Dompte-regard by Doline

CD jewel case with 8 page poster booklet
Produced for Hooli Hansen on the Gourmet Deluxxx label

Jewel cases with insert, poster, full colour silk screen printed disc and finished with outer O-card
Produced for Gourmet Deluxxx and their Big Ghost Ltd 'Unofficial Official' release